Write “so good I wanna lick it” copy & become your soulmate client’s FAVORITE person to follow on Instagram.

Take a moment and go on a little journey with me…
It’s 12 months from today…
You’re looking back on the year, IN AWE of what you created in your business.
Your offers?
Sold out.
ALL. OF. THEM. 🤯😍🎉
Dreamy client after dreamy client showed up in your DMs ready to work with you and pay in full.
You had the time of your life on the internet…
✏️Writing posts
🎬 Filming reels.
💖 Receiving thoughtful, emotionally-connected comments and DMs.
🍑 Shaking your booty to the beat of those Paypal notifications
And perhaps most exciting?
You felt creatively alive…
…and what poured out of your soul and onto the newsfeed?
You were 💥F*CKING PROLIFIC💥 and everybody felt it.
Content creation was as regular as your daily cup of coffee / matcha…
…and honestly?
You kinda craved content creation more 👀☕️🍵

All the anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, and insecurity you used to feel around marketing and content creation?
Like…you remember it used to be a thing…
…but you can’t for the life of you access it.
It’s like an unconditionally loving cheer-squad installed itself inside your brain and drowned out all the critical voices…
…and you just feel really unshakably GOOD about yourself.
“Too good to be true” does not exist in my vocabulary.
Especially when it comes to online business, marketing and content.

A 12-month membership to quantum leap your content✨
Over the course of 1 year you'll receive...
📲 12 CONTENT CATALYST CALLS (60 MIN, 1x/month)
Think: “Let’s create content together” party!
We’ll start with a guided meditation to open that throat chakra/get you inspired and in the mood to write, set intentions, and then enjoy some guided group writing time (with prompts #obvi #duh).
Put it in your calendar, show up (cuz, HELLO you paid for it and it’s fun af).
Can’t make it live? No big. You’ll get the recording!!
1x per month I will select something to sparkle & I’ll explain my thought process. A sales page, an Instagram bio, an e-newsletter, a post, an IG story launch sequence, the name + tagline for a new offer, a digital course curriculum, etc.
It will be something real that someone has submitted from the group.
You’ll watch me “copy sparkle” it in real time, I’ll narrate my entire thought process, and you can ask me LITERALLY ANYTHING about why I do what I do.
Live group hot-seat coaching call --You + me + whatever you crave support with right meow in your business.
**If you can’t make the monthly coaching call live you can submit your question ahead of time & I’ll riff on the answer (as many as I can get to in 60 min).
**Please note: everyone is not guaranteed a hot seat on every call.
You’ll also get access to 12 marketing “surprises”
It could be a delicious template to help you write that intro-blurb/mini-bio for podcast interviews
… or a guided trance meditation to help you overcome your fear of visibility…
…or a teaching/riff on a particular aspect of marketing…
…or a “bite sized” training from a past program that people went “gaga” for.
These will unfold organically. I’ll be taking requests from the group though the topic will ultimately be up to my discretion based on what will benefit the most people in the group.
📲 A PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP for connection + inspo & celebrations in between calls...
(I won't personally be responding to everything but you will be able to stay connected to the the content superflow vibes & remain accountable to your content commitments. I will keep a high-level pulse on the conversations and this will inform the "Surprise Code Drops.")

Enter your information below to be the first to know when doors to this sparkly content cocoon reopen!💖🎉🥳

✨ Word the value of your offers (even if they’re super cosmic/intangible and/or you work with people 1 on 1, so results vary person to person)
✨ Feel REALLY F*CKING GOOD while selling. Comfortable. At ease. Soul-connected. And hella charismatic. Yes it’s possible & I’m stoked for you to experience it ✨
✨ Get (and stay) in a consistent rhythm of content creation (even if you have ADHD, a full time job, a baby on your tit & a toddler on your hip) 💋
✨ Capture the full essence of an idea in words that people DEEPLY get + resonate with.
✨ SIMPLIFY the f*ck out of your content creation process & become THAT B*TCH who “can’t relate” to ppl who have a hard time with content.
⬇️ When it comes to content, this will be you ⬇️
✨ Show up with BIG INFLUENCER confidence, even if your mom & third grade teacher are the only people *currently* commenting on your posts...
…and everything feels new and cringe and overwhelming (aka: you’re in business owner puberty—out of control acne, no tits, squeaky voice and all 😂
✨ Stop overthinking every single post and step into a light hearted trust & momentum around content creation
✨ Add more concrete value in your content and become THE PAGE your peeps check first / regularly refer to for insight, support, advice & basically #allthethings
✨ Strengthen your content & marketing instincts —what to post first when you have a million ideas, whether it should be a reel, post, or carousel, etc. And going from overwhelm to calm focused flow when it comes to content.

✨ Feel like you’re really BRINGING IT in your content, so proud to show off your feed to new people.
✨ Become an editing queen/ have a “Rebecca in your brain” to make every post POP 🔥
✨ Learn my no-fail process for reducing BIG ideas into tiny powerful statements/funny tidbits to use in a reel/quote —this is for all my “serious & long winded” babes who wanna share their lighter side in content
✨ Collapse time in your content creation-- writing minimum 5x faster (without sacrificing quality).
✨ Go from cloudy to clear skies in your messaging—know EXACTLY how to describe what you do & the transformation you provide.
✨ Evaporate heavy energy around content creation and feel buoyant, resilient & joyful 99% of the time on Insta
✨ Learn how to translate a frequency into a post —seeing your words as carriers of joy, possibility, delight and expansion for your soulmate clients.

Can’t I just hire a copywriter/social media manager to do this for me?!
Yes but it’s not the same as YOUR VOICE.
And when someone else is writing your IG content?!
It’s not *quite* as magical 💁♀️
The better writer / communicator you are, the better results you’ll get with a copywriter.
Copywriter = makeup.
Being a great writer = healthy glowing skin.
Will this membership help me with reels in addition to posts?
Absolutely, because…
Reels have words!!
The best reel creators are CREATIVE & able to communicate BIG ideas in relatable, fun & unique ways.
It’s a mental muscle we will flex together.
Great Q!
Marketing Miracle is a self-paced, self-led digital course *cough* EXPLOSION to triple your Instagram growth, engagement & soulmate client DMs.
You’re Welcome, Internet is a LIVE monthly membership that ZOOMS IN one of the topics covered in Marketing Miracle:
My goal in this program is to train your brain to become a WOW writer AND to support you in staying accountable to your content commitments.
How is this different from The Content Queen Mastermind?!
The Mastermind is a high-touch small-group coaching container with weekly live coaching calls where everyone gets a hot seat & a live voxer chat Tuesday-Friday.
It’s designed for the entrepreneur already earning $80k-500k annually in their business and is a 5-figure investment.
You’re Welcome Internet is a larger group container focused on elevating your content craft, confidence and consistency. It’s open to people at all income levels who desire to be part of a collective of humans all making magic together on the internet.
What days / times are the calls?
The schedule will be different each month and friendly to a wide range of time zones.
How many people will be in the program?
There is no cap.
Is this program helpful for product-based businesses?
I do not have personal experience selling products.
I’ve helped/advised numerous clients with product based businesses, including:
—Stickers and enamel pins
—A new clothing line
—Health supplements
—Essential Oils
That said, my core expertise/the focus of this program is service-based business owners and online course creators.
From a product standpoint, I could see this program helping with:
- Creating super fun/catchy names and product descriptions.
- Writing attention-grabbing hooks, captions, e-newsletters, and IG stories
- Branding / website copy that really speaks to the personality, culture and vibe of your products.
- Moving through your own creative blocks/developing persuasive writing skills.
But again- I haven’t personally created a product based business and there are absolutely programs out there specifically geared toward product based business owners.
I’m craving a higher level of customized support, what do you suggest?
Mastermind, baby! DM me on Instagram if you’re feeling the pull.

What are my credentials to help you POP THE CHAMPAGNE CORK on dat content?!
So glad you asked...
I’ve been posting on social media almost daily since 2013.
First on my personal Facebook page, and years later, on Instagram.
The longest break I’ve taken was 2 weeks last summer when I had covid.
I don’t take breaks because I don’t need to.
I don’t crave them.
Content creation and online self expression is genuinely soul nourishing and life giving.
I’ve grown my IG from zero to 30k+ followers in just a few short years.
My growth has been organic up until a few weeks ago (I *just* started running ads their performance is insannnne #hotcopywritingforthewin).
My growth up until this point? Has purely been the result of people sharing my posts & the algorithm LOVING me.
My online coaching business brought in over $600k cash in 2022 through Instagram posts (most of which I wrote in 5 minutes or less).
I’ve helped hundreds of clients open their throat chakra & befriend content creation.
I’ve more than a few clients go from brand new business owners to crossing the 6-figure mark in revenue.
I’ve had my writing featured in Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Huffington Post, and Elite Daily.
(and I’ve never paid a dime for placements…they all came through pitch letters I wrote).

Over the years, I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon…
The clients who have gotten the MOST SATISFYING results?
All had one thing in common:
They felt a deep soul resonance with me and my work.
Something about my containers called to them…
They recognized a bolder bigger version of themselves in my expression…and somehow knew that hanging in my orbit would coax this inner rebel genius out of hiding and into the spotlight.
If that’s you, it would be my F*CKING HONOR to be your content, marketing and self-expression coach in 2023.